Multipe Face Recognition program that uses Keras and OpenCV. I built this as a part of DVCHacks.
Taking pictures of the user by using OpenCV. Saving those pictures in a folder named "dataset". By the use of haarcascade features the pictures only include human faces.
I created a convolutional feature extractor network with multiple layers. I did that in order to genereate a representation vector of the input images which will make use of "dataset".
- Softmax is used in this project as a last layer. output activation function.
- The training is done by the use of the Adam optimizer function.
- The learning rate of the Adam optimizer is 3e-4.
- As a loss function I used binary crossentropy, the reason why I preferred binary crossentopy is becasue there were two classes.
- For future work if you want to add more classes you may use categorical crossentropy function.
- The validation set is chosen as 10% of the training set.
- The traninig of my model is complteted within 30 epochs.
- Validation accuracy, validation loss of the model is printed at the end of the training process.
- At last weights are saved as a ".h5" file and model structure is saved as a ".yaml" file and both of them are kept in "keras_model" folder.
The test accuracy can be seen from the results of this file. In this file, I crate labels for the test set.
Real time test of the model from the webcam of your setup.