
Spring Cloud Gateway Embedded

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Sample Spring Cloud Gateway Project

The most basic spring boot microservice

Build Tool: Gradle Language: Kotlin Spring Boot Version: 2.4 Tags: Gateway,OpenApi,Actuator,JIB,ktlint,aciidoc

How to run?

gradle bootRun

Server is running so actuator endpoints are responsive.

GET http://localhost:8080/actuator/info 
{"git":{"branch":"master","commit":{"id":"1adc0ab","time":"2021-02-20T18:33:37Z"}},"build":{"operatingSystem":"Mac OS X (10.16)","artifact":"spring-boot-gateway","by":"canyaman","group":"me.yaman.can","basePackage":"me.yaman.can.demo","version":"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT","continuousIntegration":"false","build":"0","machine":"Can-MacBook-Pro","name":"spring-boot-gateway","time":"2021-02-20T19:12:18.116Z"}}
GET http://localhost:8080/actuator/health

Hot to develop?

First of all, build project after every file changes. As a background task run the task on the console

gradle build --continuous

While continuous build running, run the application (console or IDE)

gradle bootRun

Then you can utilize live reload feature

How to validate?

gradle test
gradle ktlint

How to deploy?

Build local docker registery container image

gradle jibDockerBuild

Then run application inside container

docker run -p 80:8080 spring-boot-gateway
GET http://localhost/actuator/info   
GET http://localhost/actuator/health  


Project is structered as to generate microservice documentation. OpenApi v3 former swagger doc is also included. Swagger-UI is awesome tool but not satisfy all requirements. You can enrich openapi doc output via annotation but I don't perefer that. These annotations contradict the some principles. Without these annotations function name and functional annotation should express the meaning beacuse of that I need another level of layer for the documentation. In addition to that I don't want to write down the same info again and again in another format. At the end code generated openapi doc file converted to asciidoc and enriched by document generation step.

Accessing documentation

You can upload document at the central place like confluence but confluence gradle plugin and cwiki converter has some issue just because of that I prefer self contained version. You can access api doc from swagger doc desctiontion field link or just http://localhost:8080/asciidoc/index.html link.