This is a plugin to set your Nickname/change you're Display Name. And the best: It works if you have PurePerms too!
- You can change you're Display Name, so that you're name is different in chat, at the pause screen and so on.
- Teleporting however, only works with the real name.
The .phar file can be found on poggit.
Have fun!
The commands are
-changedisplayname, cdn, nick
-unnick, removenick
Permissions can be found in the plugin.yml, too many to list here.
-Custom nickname format
-Custom messages
-Works with PurePerms
-Works without PurePerms
-Fast and free Support
You have a question or an idea? Then send it in my discord.
This is the License of ChangeDisplayName
© 2019 Wertzui123
The plugin was written by Wertzui123
The icon was designed by Icon is coming soon
You can help me, by reporting bugs and make suggestions!