
Our little search engine :)

Primary LanguagePython


Our little search engine :)


  • It's based on Flask framework which is written in Python.
  • We implement three main servers, they get requests from front-end, calling corresponding methods to handle with requests. After each transaction, the server will return the data in JSON and to the front-end.

Data Collection

  • A spider that will crawl the webpages using Breadth First-Search strategy.
  • For each webpage, a Parser will extract links from html tag.
  • To support full text search over a set of documents, Inverted Index is used here.

Main Features

  1. Searching
  2. Auto-complete
  • The algorithm for query checking it’s the non-word errors correction based on Edit Distance.
  1. Spelling checking
  • It will give spell suggestions, it will correct spelling and show suggestions when typing the keywords
  • By using Trie, put all the words from the dictionary in terms of chars. Then we get the suffix according to the given prefix.