Calibration Documentation

Step 1: Get Charuco Markers from Image


  • Input:
    • The image frame, the camera matrix, the distortion coefficient of the camera
  • Process:
    • Find the aruco markers using aruco.DetectMarkers() function
    • Refine the detection and interpolate the corners. These are the standard procedures of obtaining the charucoCorners and the charucoIds.
    • Finally, use the built in caliberateCameraCharuco() to find rotation and translation vector of the camera that transforms from the charuco board coordinate to the camera view coordinate (rel. to the camera).

Step 2: Get Circles from Image


  • Inputs:
    • The image frame, the charuco parameters, the charucoConers
  • Process:
    • Convert the image frame into black and white and find the circles grid using the built-in function findCirclesGrid(). Then visualize the circle corners.
    • Find the intersection between the circle and the board. This is done by the algorithm intersectCirclesRaysToBoard().
  • Outputs:
    • circles: The 2D coordinates of the detected circles returned from the findCirclesGrid()
    • circles2D: The 2D coordinate of the circles in the frame of the board.
    • circles3D: The 3D coordinate of the circles in the frame of the camera.


  • Notations:
    • plane_normal: The normal vector of the charuco board.
    • plane_point: The vector from the camera to the charuco board.
    • p: The homogeneous coordinate of a circle with z=1.
    • ray_point: The same as p. The coordinate of the circle from camera to the circle on the board.
      • ray_direction: The normalized coordinate (i.e. the unit vector) of the circle from camera to the circle on the board.
    • ndotu: The length of ray_direction along the plane_normal direction.
    • w: The vector from the center of the board to the ray_point.
    • si: The length of w along the plane_normal direction.
    • v: The vector from the center of the board to the circle on the board.
    • Psi: The vector from the camera to the circle on the board.
    • vx: The x-axis value of the coordinate of the circle in the coordinate frame of the board (where the origin is the center of the board and the z-axis is the plane_normal).
    • vy: The y-axis value of the coordinate of the circle in the coordinate frame of the board.
    • circles_2d: The coordinate of the circle in the coordinate frame of the board where z=0.
    • circles_3d: The coordinate of the circle in the coordinate frame of the camera, where the origin is the camera.
  • Process:
    • Find ndotu by taking
    • Find the ratio between si and ndotu, and then find v = w + si * ray_direction.
    • Find Psi = v + plane_point.

Step 3: Calibrate the Projector

Calling get_circle_coord gives us the projCirclePoints in the screen coordinate. We append this coordinate to projCirclePointsAccum.

Calling get_circle gives us:

  • circle_cam: The 2D coordinates of the detected circles returned from the findCirclesGrid()
  • ret_circle: The 3D coordinate of the circles in the frame of the board where z=0.
  • ret_circle3D: The 3D coordinate of the circles in the frame of the camera.

Then we append these coordinates into three lists:

  • circleCamcircle_cam
  • circleBoardret_circle
  • circleWorldret_circle3D

Then we calibrate the camera by calling calibrateCamera:

  • Inputs:
    • circleBoard: The 3D coordinate of the circles in the frame of the board where z=0.
    • projCirclePointsAccum: The coordinate of the circles in the frame of the screen.
  • Outputs:
    • The calibrated projector matrix.

Finally we find the relative transformation between the camera coordinate and the projector coordinate by calling stereoCalibrate():

  • Input:
    • circleWorld: The coordinate of the circles in the world coordinate (origin is the camera)
    • circleCam: The 2D image coordinate of the circles in the view of the camera.
    • projCirclePointsAccum: The 2D coordinate of the circles on the computer screen (i.e. in the view of the projector).
  • Output:
    • The rotation and translation vector of the camera.