
	program	 	=	 	def-or-expr ...
  def-or-expr	 	=	 	definition
 	 	|	 	expr
 	 	|	 	test-case
 	 	|	 	library-require
  definition	 	=	 	(define (name variable ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(define name expr)
 	 	|	 	(define-struct name (name ...))
 	 	|	 	(define-datatype name (name name ...) ...)
  expr	 	=	 	(begin expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(begin0 expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(set! variable expr)
 	 	|	 	(delay expr)
 	 	|	 	(lambda (variable ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(λ (variable ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(local [definition ...] expr)
 	 	|	 	(letrec ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(shared ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(let ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(let name ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(let* ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(recur name ([name expr] ...) expr)
 	 	|	 	(expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(cond [expr expr] ... [expr expr])
 	 	|	 	(cond [expr expr] ... [else expr])
 	 	|	 	(case expr [(choice choice ...) expr] ...
           [(choice choice ...) expr])
 	 	|	 	(case expr [(choice choice ...) expr] ...
           [else expr])
 	 	|	 	(match expr [pattern expr] ...)
 	 	|	 	(if expr expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(when expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(unless expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(and expr expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(or expr expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(time expr)
 	 	|	 	name
 	 	|	 	’quoted
 	 	|	 	‘quasiquoted
 	 	|	 	()
 	 	|	 	number
 	 	|	 	boolean
 	 	|	 	string
 	 	|	 	character
  choice	 	=	 	name
 	 	|	 	number
  pattern	 	=	 	_
 	 	|	 	name
 	 	|	 	number
 	 	|	 	true
 	 	|	 	false
 	 	|	 	string
 	 	|	 	character
 	 	|	 	’quoted
 	 	|	 	‘quasiquoted-pattern
 	 	|	 	(cons pattern pattern)
 	 	|	 	(list pattern ...)
 	 	|	 	(list* pattern ...)
 	 	|	 	(struct id (pattern ...))
 	 	|	 	(vector pattern ...)
 	 	|	 	(box pattern)
  quasiquoted-pattern	 	=	 	name
 	 	|	 	number
 	 	|	 	string
 	 	|	 	character
 	 	|	 	(quasiquoted-pattern ...)
 	 	|	 	’quasiquoted-pattern
 	 	|	 	‘quasiquoted-pattern
 	 	|	 	,pattern
 	 	|	 	,@pattern
  quoted	 	=	 	name
 	 	|	 	number
 	 	|	 	string
 	 	|	 	character
 	 	|	 	(quoted ...)
 	 	|	 	’quoted
 	 	|	 	‘quoted
 	 	|	 	,quoted
 	 	|	 	,@quoted
  quasiquoted	 	=	 	name
 	 	|	 	number
 	 	|	 	string
 	 	|	 	character
 	 	|	 	(quasiquoted ...)
 	 	|	 	’quasiquoted
 	 	|	 	‘quasiquoted
 	 	|	 	,expr
 	 	|	 	,@expr
  test-case	 	=	 	(check-expect expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-random expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-within expr expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-error expr expr ...)
 	 	|	 	(check-member-of expr expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-satisfied expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-range expr expr)
 	 	|	 	(check-range expr)
  library-require	 	=	 	(require string)
 	 	|	 	(require (lib string string ...))
 	 	|	 	(require (planet string package))
  package	 	=	 	(string string number number)

A name or a variable is a sequence of characters not including a space or one of the
   " , ' ` ( ) [ ] { } | ; #
A number is a number such as 123, 3/2, or 5.5.
A boolean is one of: #true or #false. Alternative spellings for the #true constant 
  are #t, true, and #T. Similarly, #f, false, or #F are also recognized as #false.
A symbol is a quote character followed by a name. A symbol is a value, just like 42,
  '(), or #false.
A string is a sequence of characters enclosed by a pair of ". Unlike symbols, 
  strings may be split into characters and manipulated by a variety of functions. 
  For example, "abcdef", "This is a string", and "This is a string with \\" inside" 
  are all strings.
A character begins with #\\ and has the name of the character. For example, #\\a, #\\b, 
  and #\\space are characters.
In function calls, the function appearing immediately after the open parenthesis can 
  be any functions defined with define or define-struct, or any one of the 
  pre-defined functions.
  1. Scheme扩展Lisp的部分:赋值语句和控制流的跳转,其余都是语法糖;

  2. Racket新增:

    1. 增加了结构、类系统、异常。
    2. 循环、模块、托管、事件空间。
    3. 图形用户界面库,以及其他许多东西。
  3. 程序错误类型:

    1. 语法错误
    2. 运行时错误
    3. 逻辑错误
  4. 语法和语义:grammar 和 meaning的意思

  5. Racket的数据类型:

    1. Boolean
    2. Number:Integer、complex number、rational number
    3. Strings:
    4. Lists:functions(list、cons、car、cdr、first、rest)
    5. structure(Python:tuple):struct、selector(structname-fieldname)、#:transparent(使打印透明)
  6. Racket的条件式:

    1. 谓词判断:equality-predicates、
    2. IF:not false is true
    3. cond:中括号
    4. and 和or
    5. when和unless:unless 相当于not when
    6. equal?和 eq?区别
  7. 测试套件(断言):rackunit

  8. definition:module级别,local级别

  9. 数据:structure、union、递归类型

  10. loop:返回多个值、#:result和#:when注解

    #lang racket
    (for ([i '(1 2 3 4 5)])
      (display i))
    (for-each display '(1 2 3 4 5))
    (for/list ([i '(1 2 3 4 5)])
      (/ 1 i))
    (map (lambda(x)(/ 1 x)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
    (for/fold ([sqrs 0])
              ([i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)])
      (+(sqr i) sqrs))
    (foldl (lambda(i sqrs)(+ (sqr i) sqrs))
           '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
    (for/fold ([sqrs 0]
               [count 0])
              ([i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)])
      (values (+ (sqr i)sqrs)
              (if(>(sqr i) 50)
                 (add1 count)
    (values 42)
    (values 'this 'and-this 'and-that)
    (define-values (one two three)(values 'three 'two 'one))
    (define-values (x y) (if(string=? "tuesday" "tuesday")
                            (values 10 20)
                            (values 42 55)))
    (for/list ([i '(1 2 3 4 5)]
               #:when (odd? i))
    (for/fold ([sum 0])
              ([i '(1 2 3 4 5)]
               #:when (even? i))
      (+ sum i))
    (for*/list ([i '(1 2 3)]
                [j '(4 5 6)])
      (+ i j))