
A simple implementation of HeyStack in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

A Simple Implementation for HeyStack in Rust


HeyStack is a fast file storage system raising by FB. The target of this rep is to implement the easiest part of HeyStack, including:

  • Physical File
    • To store millions of files in one big file with ordering
  • Index File
    • To look for file as fast as possible
    • Sometimes, if the index file is lost, we need to rebuild it from physical file
  • HTTP Interface
    • Can get/put/post/delete files using curl etc.

Although there are many 3rd dependences in rust, we want to make this project simple and easy build.


The project is based on rustc 1.51

  • build: cargo build

  • build-release: cargo build --release

  • run test: cargo test

  • Start Server: cargo run start

  • Close Server:

    • Send http.delete /sync to sync all index into disk
    • Press Ctrl+c
    • If you forget send Delete /sync, you can run cargo run reload to rebuild the index file from physical file, however, it may cause much time.


  • Post A New File
    • POST /file
    • Request.body == file.content
    • Return JSON like:
  "key": 12,
  "size": 102,
  "offset": 28377,
  "flag": true
  • Note that posting file only store the data, the Content-Type will be ignored.

  • Get A File With Key

    • GET /file/{key}
    • After post a file, you can use key to get this file
    • Return the file as the response.body
    • Note that the Content-Type will be ignored when posting a file, you need to store this file's Content-Type
  • Delete A File With Key

    • DELETE /file/{key}
  • Update A File With Key

    • PUT /file/{key}
    • Request.body == newfile.content
    • Modify file will modify the key, so return JSON like:
  "key": 19,
  "size": 102,
  "offset": 28377,
  "flag": true
  • After old file deleted, that key will be removed and cannot be used anymore. You may need to store the new key and update your storage.


Testing is being operating, please wait. Some basic operations on disk has been test, you can run cargo test for testing.