Simple api client of readability
gem install readit
or in your rails gemfile
gem 'readit'
# or latest (recommend)
gem 'readit',:git=>''
consumer_key: some_key
consumer_secret: some_secret
or in your code
Readit::Config.consumer_key = some_key
Readit::Config.consumer_secret = some_value
@api = 'access_token','access_token_secret'
# get user info
# get all bookmarks, result will be a hash array
# get bookmarks along with meta info :
# item_count, item_count_total, num_pages, page
bookmarks,meta = @api.bookmarks(:include_meta => true)
# add bookmark
bookmark_info = @api.bookmark(:url=>'http://some_article_url.html')
# check bookmarked infos
# bookmark_info.bookmark_id
# bookmark_info.article_id
# get bookmark by bookmark_id
@api.bookmarks :bookmark_id => some_bookmark_id
# archive a bookmark
@api.archive some_bookmark_id
# favorite a bookmark
@api.favorite some_bookmark_id
# or you can just call update_bookmark to
# update a bookmark to favorited or archived
@api.update_bookmark bookmark_id,:favorite => 1,:archive => 0
# get one artile by article_id
@api.article 'article_id'
Contributions are welcome!