The purpose of libstaroffice is to build a filter for old StarOffice's documents(.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge(see and ). Currently: - .sda/.sdp files: it tries to retrieve some basic contents, ie. the basic shapes (lines, rectangles, ellipse, ...), the bitmaps and some formattings. But this parser is still incomplete: some default formattings are simply ignored ... - .sdc files: it tries to convert the main content of a .sdc files, ie. the cells' value/text/formula, the cells' comments and the cells' formattings. But it does not try to retrieve any embedded charts, ... - .sdg files: it tries to retrieve all the bitmap .bm in the files. Other objects are simply ignored and some bitmaps are reconstructed with bad vertical orientations, ... - .sdw files: begins to retrieve the main text contents with formattings. But this parser is still incomplete... - other .sd? files: it refuses to convert them, ... Notes: - when configured with --enable-full-debug, it also tries to parse other StarOffice's files and it creates some "*.ascii" files in the current repository(to show what is parsed) ; but of course, it still does not generate any output...
Import filter(based on librevenge) to import all StarOffice document.