This version runs without the spoofing shit in a VM.
'Fixed' the item locations, still working on it.
You can't filter level 3 gear (always enabled)
- HOME -> Show / Hide Compass
NUMPAD_0 -> Filter Throwables
NUMPAD_1 -> Filter Attachments
NUMPAD_2 -> Filter Scopes
NUMPAD_3 -> Filter Ammo
NUMPAD_4 -> Filter Weapons
NUMPAD_5 -> Filter Level 2 Gear
NUMPAD_6 -> Filter Meds
- F5 -> Item Offset X++
- F6 -> Item Offset X--
- F7 -> Item Offset Y++
- F8 -> Item Offset Y--
- NUMPAD_7 -> Scouting
- NUMPAD_8 -> Scout/Loot
- NUMPAD_9 -> Looting
- F9 -> Camera Zoom ++
- F10 -> Camera Zoom --
- F11 -> Toggle View Line
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP"
You can replay a PCAP file in offline mode:
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP" Offline
- Install VMWare Workstation Pro
- Setup your VM in Bridged Mode, replicate physical.
- Install Maven on your VM
- Add Maven to your environment PATH, screenshot below.
- Add MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, screenshot below.
- Install JDK8 on your VM and
- Add JAVA_HOME to your Environment Path, screenshot below.
- Install Wireshark + WinPCap on your VM
- Use the command prompt to go to your VMRadar directory (with the src folder)
- type
mvn verify install
into the command prompt. - Change your IP addresses in the batch file, It will crash if they are wrong.
- Do the extra step below in the Compatibility tab in the Properties.
- Run the batch file.
@echo off
for /f "tokens=14" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr IPv4') do set _IPaddr=%%a
echo YOUR IP ADDRESS IS: %_IPaddr%
set /p game=ENTER GAMEVM IP:
echo "%game%"
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar %_IPaddr% PortFilter "%game%"
@echo off
for /f "tokens=14" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr IPv4') do set _IPaddr=%%a
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar %_IPaddr% PortFilter %_IPaddr% Offline