
Khan Academy app for Firefox OS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Build Status

Khan Academy Firefox OS app

Khan Academy's Firefox OS app source is Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 licensed.

You can download the Khan Academy Firefox OS app on your device at the Firefox Marketplace.

The Khan Academy app also functions as a:

  • Firefox web app for Desktop on OSX, Windows, and Linux are also available at the same link. (No downloads support because Desktop has no Storage API yet)
  • Firefox web app for Android.

About the source

Everything is built using JavaScript. Omniscient which wraps React is used for views and ImmutableJS is used for data. The video player is using VideoJS. The exercises are using Perseus.

Getting setup

git clone --recursive https://github.com/bbondy/khan-academy-fxos

Copy ./secrets.json.sample to ./secrets.json, fill in the info with your API key.
Note that reporting user points will not work unless you have an annointed key.

See here for information on how to apply for a Khan Academy API key:

Building the source

You need Nodejs installed to run the following commands (please run them in the order given).

npm install
bower install
cd bower_components/katex
cd ../../
gulp browser-dev-server&

Navigate to http://localhost:8008. As you make changes webpack will rebundle the sources.

Alternate route of getting setup (not recommended)

To run a web server instead of using the Firefox emulator, run: ./tools/runserver.
This will start a local python HTTP server on port 8092.

Running gulp will:

  • convert the JSX React source which lives inside js/ and put it inside /build.
  • Convert the LESS stylesheets in style/less into CSS and store it in /build/css
  • Run lint on the source files
  • Start watching for changes and will re-run all of that again when changes are made.

Running tests

Run ./tools/runserver and load ./test/test.html in Firefox. Or just run ./tools/runtests.

For now, it's best to run the tests in a fresh restart of the browser in private browsing mode so you can be sure no files are cached. This is currently known to happen for some localization files with the simple python HTTP server otherwise.

The first time you run tests, the APIClient.init test may take a while because it fetches the topic tree and may not be cached on the KA servers.


Device Storage API is used for downloads and for cached topic trees.
It is sometimes useful to clear this data while using a simulator.
You can find this storage when using a simulator in a location similar to this: /Users/brianbondy//Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/s9r03lep.default-1410874219924/extensions/fxos_2_0_simulator@mozilla.org/profile/fake-sdcard/

Your exact path will differ depending on your OS, your profile, and the simulator being used.

Some other storage for smaller cached values is used with local storage. You can clear that simply by opening the console and executing: localStorage.clear();

ADB commands

For OOM failures, check for sigkill being sent to app. The size is listed in pages (4 KB/page).

adb shell dmesg | tail -20


There are 2 main branches. One with AMD module loading (requirejs) and one for CommonJS (using webpack) . Master is based on the webpack version but is not currently stable yet.


Please feel free to contribute directly by adding pull requests and issues through github. If you would like help getting setup feel free to contact Brian R. Bondy
