
fluent plugin for mongoDB slow query

Primary LanguageRuby


It will be helpful to find out the slow operations of MongoDB and ayalyze the query prototype. The usage is almost same as in_tail.


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mongo-slow-query


    type mongo_slow_query
    path /path/to/mongodb/logfile


  • time local time of host that the MongoDB instance is running on
  • op operation, for example: query update remove getmore command
  • ns namespace, concatenation of the database name and the collection name
  • detail the deatils of operation
  • query the prototype of query, it is an empty string when op is command for example:
    { address: { country: "China", city: "Beijing" } } => { address.country, address.city }
    { ts: { $gt: 1411029300, $lt: 1411029302 } => { ts.$gt, ts.$lt }
    it's convenient to statistics the similar slow queries with the same prototype and build indexes
  • ms time used, unit: millisecond
  • nscanned number of documents scanned
  • nmatched number of documents matched
  • nmodified number of documents modified
  • reslen response length


  • MongoDB v2.4
  • MongoDB v2.6
  • MongoDB v3.0