
timeline.me project

Primary LanguageHTML



  • timeline.me is a project let you backup your timeline, such as twitter, weibo, and rss feeds ...
  • a demo



  • sync your timeline
  • update status, support twitter, weibo and "your own tweets" (moments)
  • this day in history posts (past)
  • simple charts about your timeline (chart)

How to

  1. install requirments

    pip install -r deploy/requirements.txt
  2. mysql

    • create database

      mysql -u USERNAME -p < deploy/init.sql
    • emoji support

      • MySQL server v5.5.3+
      • set CHARSET to utf8mb4
  3. modify config files

    • rename config.example.py to config.py and set your configs
    • rename oauth2py.example.json to oauth2py.json and set your oauth keys
  4. nginx

    • nginx config example is available in /deploy/timeline.conf
  5. start server

    • command

      python timeline.py --port=8888
    • supervisor

      • supervisor config example is available in /deploy/supervisor.conf
  6. sign in

  7. sync your timeline

    • use cron
      • cron example is available in /deploy/cron
    • web
      • your-domain/admin

deploy with docker

  • modify config files

  • modify docker compose file with your db config

  • use docker compose

    docker-compose up -d