
This is a program for booking a practice room in HfM (Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe).


Environment: automatic web operations using selenium + chromedriver

pip install -r requirements.txt

The program has 2 modes:

1. Normal Mode

Input: desired start time, end time, room number(if need), date(if need, default value = today+7)

  • If date = today+7, Auto-timed room booking + extended time to set end time (If not found in the set period will automatically shift the preset start and end time back 15 minutes)
  • If date before today+7, search and book available rooms immediately

2. Extension time of the booked room

This mode is used to automatic extend the time for the booked room. Input: date(default:today+7), start time, desired end time Output: The room is extended to the set given time.