A Capacitor plugin that sends you geolocation updates, even while the app is in the background.
Pinned issues
- 2
Problem getting geolocation after one hour
#126 opened by cdiazp-sacyr - 3
Is called foreground
#125 opened by Rossella-Mascia-Neosyn - 1
WebSocket disconnects after 5 min
#124 opened by AramKuru - 1
Android HTTP Throttling
#123 opened by msacc-mas - 65
Capacitor 4 after 5 minutes stop working
#89 opened by ghimarcos - 1
Ionic Capacitor - Start app at startup device
#122 opened by ikkettuvvoi - 3
- 18
- 2
- 3
- 1
Background geolocation Android 14 and ionic 7
#116 opened by danirm96 - 2
- 3
background location is canceled
#117 opened by GerardoTovar - 4
Does it conflicts with capacitor/geolocation?
#113 opened by HammasMajeed - 8
- 4
Missing permissions to Android 14 (specific to Samsung phones in particular)
#112 opened by nesnejretep - 3
- 2
Update Notification Body Text
#111 opened by alexandermccormick - 1
- 1
distanceFilter battery consumption
#106 opened by loicrob - 5
Upgrade iOS version to 13.0
#91 opened by Madserker - 16
Check background location permission
#103 opened by jongbonga - 24
- 1
Using capacitors own HTTP module/plugin to solve the loss of location updates causes issues with the firebase sdk
#101 opened by JTCorrin - 4
- 3
AddWatcher only retrieves location once
#100 opened by GonzaloCorchon - 1
Ionic/vue3 Example
#99 opened by WynOwen72 - 3
- 11
Custom setInterval and minUpdateInterval
#90 opened by CoooWeee - 1
update POST Api every 5 minute
#97 opened by blinkdagger182 - 2
Send location every X second
#83 opened by ivinantony - 1
- 0
#95 opened by ivinantony - 3
#94 opened by ivinantony - 2
Crash onUnbind Android
#92 opened by lugaru90 - 3
Android Background icon issue in some devices
#93 opened by ivinantony - 8
Plugin stopped sending location
#88 opened by ivinantony - 2
- 4
App crashes randomly
#86 opened by PuscasAdi - 8
- 1
- 4
http request fail in background mode
#82 opened by ikkettuvvoi - 4
requestPermissions true failed to register callback
#79 opened by aeinn - 4
Notification click back to app
#77 opened by basbroens - 2
Capacitor 4 Support
#78 opened by Wahsner - 1
Help to stop watcher on typescript
#76 opened by 3rikson - 5
- 8
Getting Error: Service not running.
#72 opened by ChandruBee - 4
Simplify plugin installation
#73 opened by HarelM - 1