Collection of technical stuff related to the development of realtime rendering engines with focus on Vulkan.
- Vulkan in 30 minutes, by Baldur Karlsson (the creator of RenderDoc).
- An introductory text that gives a quick overview of the Vulkan API and architecture (assumes strong graphics background).
- Vulkan Tutorial, by Alexander Overvoorde.
- The tutorial starts by showing how to set up Vulkan to render a single triangle on the screen. By the end, the code example is capable of rendering elaborate 3D models with texturing and filtering.
Multi-Threading in Vulkan, by Marius Bjørge, ARM
Vulkan Shader Resource Binding , by Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA
Vulkan Usage Recommendations (Samsung)
Reducing Vulkan API call overhead. by Arseny Kapoulkine
Vulkan Memory Management: 2018 Vulkan Developer Day, by Jordan Logan, AMD
Vulkanised 2018 - Memory Management in Vulkan, by Steven Tovey, AMD
Vulkan Memory Management, by Chris Hebert, NVIDIA
Vulkan Memory Allocator (GPUOpen)
Vulkan Debug Utilities, by Mark Young, LunarG
lighthouse2, a framework for realtime ray tracing by Jacco Bikker.
Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing in INSIDE, by Lasse Jon Fuglsang Pedersen.