
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • (Done) comparisons

  • (Done) reducers: any, all

  • (Done) Boolean masks (requires dtypes. would be only number and bool)

  • (Done) logical operations

  • (Done) numbers in -1.4e-3 notation

  • (Done) isclose

  • (Done) Concurrency: the variables are being replaced with a global variable

  • (Done) First integration to D3JS inside the notebook

  • (DONE) shortcut reduce of any and all and allclose

  • (DONE) linspace and geomspace

  • (DONE) sign, abs, exp, log, sin, cos, sinh, cosh, asin, asin, ...

  • (DONE) Round

  • (DONE) arguments

  • (DONE) ellipsis in slices

  • (DONE) Better support for kwargs using this

  • npm, license and docs

  • improve assignment: parser should not return to_list, optionally

  • What about npstatement; \n statement;\n ...;\n return blah, blah, blah

  • np.where

  • maximum and minimum with ↑ and ↓. What priority wr to + *, ** and the logical operators?

  • np.unique, np.sort, np.random.shuffle

  • np.stack, np.concatenate, np.dstack, etc.

  • group_by function

  • np.split

  • Write concurrency tests

  • Random module

  • Linalg module