
A script to bulk upload files from a local folder to Google Photos

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

googlephotos bulk uploader

Bulk uploads photos from a local folder to Google Photos. Uses a specified album to categorise the photos. Progress of upload is stored locally. Meant for uploading large numbers of files - personally used it to upload more than 60,000 photos to Google Drive.


This is a command line tool. Download and create a virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv -p python3 googlephotos (_or any other name_)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./gp.py -?

Note: On on Windows use Python 3.8 version max to avoid legacy-install-failure error while trying to install package cffi


To avoid having to re-authenticate with Google all the time, the application expects credentials to be available in a local file. The default file name is credentials.json

The method for obtaining the credentials are described here - https://www.syncwithtech.org/authorizing-google-apis/ Run the script with option -gc to obtain new OAuth credentials via the command line.

Folders (image directory) are set to default values but can be overridden on the command line. The root folder for media (IMAGEDIR) is NOT saved in the database, but only read from the command line. This means that if you want to change the root folder you can do so via configuration only. Folder below the root ARE stored in the database. For example: if the root folder is "PICTURES", and you add an image with path "PICTURES/October/100.JPG" then the image's local path will be stored as "October/100.JPG" in the database. The combination of IMAGEDIR and localpath is used to locate files that will be uploaded.


Follow those steps to download the credentials required:

  1. Create project on google cloud
  2. Enable Google Photos Library API for this project: go to https://developers.google.com/photos/library/guides/get-started then click button "Enable the Google Photos Library API"
  3. For "Configure OAuth client" screen select "Installed Application" "Desktop app"
  4. Download client configuration and place this file credentials.json at project root (optional: store client_id and client_secret somewhere safe)
  5. Run python ./gp.py --get_credentials, open link in web browser then paste Authorization code back in console


usage: gp.py [-h] [-i IMAGEDIR] [-a ALBUMNAME] [-x] [-c] [-u] [-v] [-m MAXSIZE]

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-gc, --get_credentials Obtains new OAuth credentials and saves them. Other parameters are ignored.

-i IMAGEDIR, --imagedir IMAGEDIR Specify root image directory

-a ALBUMNAME, --albumname ALBUMNAME Specify Google Photos album

-x, --dontincrementalbum Auto increment album name for large albums

-c, --check Walk local folder and update database of files, mark new files for upload. Files are NOT uploaded unless -u is True. The folder is first walked, then uploaded.

-u, --upload Upload images to Google Drive

-v, --verbose Provide verbose messaging

-m MAXSIZE, --maxsize MAXSIZE Max file size to upload (MB), default=-1 (no limit)


Basic usage patter is as follows:

  • Run the script to create a list of all files to be uploaded (/.gp.py -v)
  • Run the script to upload each file in the database (.gp.py -u)

To upload all JPG files in the default image folder that are small than 10MB, and with verbose output, use:

python ./gp.py -u -v -m 10

To update the database of all files that must be uploaded, showing verbose messages use:

python ./gp.py -c -v


  • The script will ONLY upload files with a JPG extension (it is not case sensitive).
  • The script can easily be modified to accommodate other files, the JPG limitation is just a personal requirement
  • The SQLite database is called GDriveimages, and is created in the folder where the script is located