
LAMP Server + Flexisip on CentOS7

Primary LanguageShell

XMLRPC Server + Flexisip-Account-Manager working on CentOS7 Docker Container.

Test Docker Environment for deploying the production CentOS System

1. Build CentOS7 Base Image with working systemd

$ cd dockerfiles/centos7_systemd_base_image
$ docker build --rm -t local/c7-systemd .

Confirm this image

$ docker images
REPOSITORY  local/c7-systemd 

2. Build LAMP Server image besed on local/c7-systemd

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.lamp.yml build

3. Build Flexisip SIP Server image besed on local/c7-systemd

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.flexisip.yml build

4. How to run above images

Create shared volume for mariadb database

$ docker volume create mariadb

CentOS7 LAMP Server start by docker-compose.lamp.yml If you don't run containers under Ubuntu host, move "MAKE_TEMP=/tmp/$(mktemp -d)" and delete "- ${MAKE_TEMP}:/run" in docker-compose file.

$ MAKE_TEMP=/tmp/$(mktemp -d) docker-compose -f docker-compose.lamp.yml up -d

CentOS7 Flexisip SIP Server start by docker-compose.flexisip.yml If you don't run containers under Ubuntu host, move "MAKE_TEMP=/tmp/$(mktemp -d)" and delete "- ${MAKE_TEMP}:/run" in docker-compose file.

$ MAKE_TEMP=/tmp/$(mktemp -d) docker-compose -f docker-compose.flexisip.yml up -d

If you want to deploy on the production CentOS system, check the following dockerfiles



Implement the commands COPY, RUN and ENV lines in your Linux OS terminal.

5. Set mariadb root password

For login to phpmyadmin by "root" admin user, set password in mariadb console.

$ mariadb
>MariaDB [(none)]> set password for 'root'@localhost = password("password1234");

6. Create database for flexisip

In phpmyadmin or mariadb console, create user "flexisip" with the same database "flexisip", password "password1234"

7. Modify the following files and create table for flexisip

Input DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_NAME defined by the above.


 * The database username.
 * Default value: flexisip_rw
define("DB_USER", "root");

 * The database user's password.
 * Default value:
define("DB_PASSWORD", "password1234");

 * The name of the database.
 * Default value: flexisip
define("DB_NAME", "flexisip");

Implement the following script to make flexisip table

$ php /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/tools/create_tables.php

8. Load Custom Settings by XMLRPC Server(Provisioning)

To active the override remote provisioning, "REMOTE_PROVISIONING_OVERWRITE_ALL" should be set to "True"



By Creating the following default.rc, this is transformed automatically to provisioning XML file format by accessing : https://sip.example.cpm/flexisip-account-manager/provisioning.php .

In this case, you should input this URL as provisioning URL into Linphone Android "Remote Setting" menu.


#This file shall not contain path referencing package name, in order to be portable when app is renamed.
#Paths to resources must be set from LinphoneManager, after creating LinphoneCore.


You can create own provisioning file by XML format like the below;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns="http://www.linphone.org/xsds/lpconfig.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.linphone.org/xsds/lpconfig.xsd lpconfig.xsd">
	<section name="assistant">
		<entry name="domain" overwrite="true">sip.example.com</entry>
		<entry name="xmlrpc_url" overwrite="true">https://sip.example.com/flexisip-account-manager/xmlrpc.php</entry>

In this case, you should input the below URL as provisioning URL into Linphone Android "Remote Setting" menu. https://sip.example.cpm/flexisip-account-manager/custom_provisioning.xml

Please see also the following reference about provisioning; https://wiki.linphone.org/xwiki/wiki/public/view/Lib/Features/Remote%20Provisioning/

9. Flexisip-Account-Manager Web Frontend

Modify the following file to access localhost database.


# Local FlexiAPI database

# External FlexiSIP database
# SMTP and emails
MAIL_SIGNATURE="The Example Team"

# OVH SMS API variables

# Google reCaptcha v2 parameters

Implement the following php artisan command in '/opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi`

$ cd /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi
$ chown -R apache:apache /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan migrate:rollback
$ php artisan migrate

As not exist server.php in /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi directory make it.(If you need to check as http://localhost:8000) /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi/server.php


 * Laravel - A PHP Framework For Web Artisans
 * @package  Laravel
 * @author   Taylor Otwell <taylor@laravel.com>

$uri = urldecode(
    parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH)

// This file allows us to emulate Apache's "mod_rewrite" functionality from the
// built-in PHP web server. This provides a convenient way to test a Laravel
// application without having installed a "real" web server software here.
if ($uri !== '/' && file_exists(__DIR__.'/public'.$uri)) {
    return false;

require_once __DIR__.'/public/index.php';

Start flexisip-account-manager server(checking as localhost):

$ php artisan serve --host



Normally, not need php artisan serve command, then access;


If you try latest version frontend, download it from github and copy it into this directory; /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi

10. Manual install Flexisip-Account-Manager from Github

If you want to install the latest flexisip-account-manager, add a manual install section in docker_files/lamp-c7 like the following

# Install latest flexisip-account-manager from github
RUN mkdir -p /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager /etc/flexisip-account-manager /var/opt/belledonne-communications/flexiapi/storage \
&& cd /tmp \
&& git clone https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/flexisip-account-manager.git \
&& cd flexisip-account-manager \
&& cp -R flexiapi /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/ \
&& cp -R src/* /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/ \
&& cp -R conf/* /etc/flexisip-account-manager/ \
&& cp httpd/* /etc/httpd/conf.d/ \
### setting connfig file for flexisip account manager
&& sed -i "s/\"DB_USER\",.*\".*\"/\"DB_USER\", \"root\"/g" /etc/flexisip-account-manager/db.conf \
&& sed -i "s/\"DB_PASSWORD\",.*\".*\"/\"DB_PASSWORD\", \"password1234\"/g" /etc/flexisip-account-manager/db.conf \
&& sed -i "s/\"DB_NAME\",.*\".*\"/\"DB_NAME\", \"flexisip\"/g" /etc/flexisip-account-manager/db.conf \
&& sed -i "s/(\"REMOTE_PROVISIONING_OVERWRITE_ALL\",.*);/(\"REMOTE_PROVISIONING_OVERWRITE_ALL\", True);/g" /etc/flexisip-account-manager/provisioning.conf \
&& touch /var/opt/belledonne-communications/flexiapi/storage/db.sqlite \
&& chown -R apache:apache /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager \
&& cd /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi \
&& composer install --no-dev

Implement the below php commnds in docker container lamp-c7

# php /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/tools/create_tables.php
# php artisan key:generate
# php artisan migrate:rollback
# php artisan migrate

Set an account admin user {account_id}, in advance, you should create at least one user and use user's account_id

# php artisan accounts:set-admin 1

Then start server(checking as localhost):

# php artisan serve --host



Normally, not need php artisan serve command, then access;


NOTES) SELinux and Firewall

It seems that CentOS is embedded SELinux and Firewall for solid security reason as default.

How to confirm SELinux and Firewall on CentOS

# sestatus
# firewall-cmd --state

So, Disable these or need to execute below commands to avoid permission erros and so on.

# chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi/storage/
# chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/opt/belledonne-communications/flexiapi/storage/db.sqlite

// Open remote connections on the MySQL port for example
# semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 3306

// Allow remote network connected
# setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1 

// Allow remote database connection
# setsebool httpd_can_network_connect_db 1 

// If SELinux forbids mail sending you can try this command
# setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=1

// If it is running you can add a rule to allow https traffic
# firewall-cmd --zone public --permanent --add-port=444/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload

// If you use the standard https port (443) or http (80) the following command might be better
# firewall-cmd --zone public --permanent --add-service={http,https} && firewall-cmd --reload

Also it can listen on IPv6 only.

To fix that, edit /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

and add/set: Listen https

Github 'https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/flexisip-account-manager/tree/master/flexiapi'

flexiapi create and manage account

flexiapi register new account

flexiapi register by email

flexiapi register by phone

flexiapi login

flexiapi login