
Real-Time OCR WebApp (React, NodeJS, Python) demo on HUAWEI CLOUD

Source Code

Serverless app using NodeJS, React and HUAWEI CLOUD (API Gateway, FunctionGraph, GaussDB, OBS), all the website will host in HUAWEI CLOUD OBS.

Architecture Desc

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How to demo

Please navigate to :


How to prepare the development IDE and mandatory cloud service

  1. First of all, install the required VSCode plugin: "Prettier - Code Formatter" and "Simple React Snippets".
  2. Install nodejs on your devlopment laptop.
  3. Create the nodejs project within VSCode by input command "npm i -g create-react-app", once done, just input command "create-react-app app", and finally execute "npm start".
  4. Configure the basic frontend module, go to, copy the NPM command (npm install --save reactstrap react react-dom) and run within your react app folder. Then search from, "dotenv", "base64-img", "react-moment", "react-file-base64".
  5. Configure Huawei Cloud service for object storage, api gateway, FunctionGraph, CDN, OCR endpoint(Thailand ID card recognition), Relational Database - MySQL, domain name and your SSL certificate.
  6. Copy the source code here and overwrite to your VSCode IDE files;

Contact Author

@WhatsApp: +27 726557778