
Progressive Web App (PWA) starter template for Angular-based Single-page application (SPA) development, leveraging Omni Components library.


1️⃣   Create a new repository from this template (or fork) and clone locally:

git clone{your-repo-name}.git
cd {your-repo-name}

2️⃣   Restore all package dependencies:

npm i

3️⃣   Open it in VS Code:

code .


The following NPM scripts within package.json should be noted:

  • serve - Launches Angular's dev server (Automated via F5 debugging in VS Code 😎).
  • build - Bundles code and copies artifacts for production from the src directory to the dist directory.
  • preview - Launches a simple web server, serving the dist directory (Remember to build first! 🎗️).
  • test - Launches the Angular test runner & executes all tests.
  • format - Runs the Prettier formatter on all .ts files, applying format updates where necessary.
  • lint- Runs the ESLint analyzer on all .ts files, applying code updates where necessary.


Feature Availability Description
Components Omni Components
Component Intellisense
Routing Angular
VS Code Debugging .vscode/launch.json
Tests Angular
Serve Angular CLI
Build Angular CLI
Build chunking /* webpackChunkName: */ compiler hints
Preview built output http-server
Formatting Prettier
Linting ESLint