This project is fueled by an enormous desire to leverage technical public opinion & expertise to influence a enormously positive impact to the evolution of the OpenData Initiative within our local government. This repository serves as the first public repository to publish & share private industry knowledge
actively suggest/prompte/recomment the centralization & where possible the format of specific metrics which can be used by the Open Data Initiative City of Syracuse.
The primary goal(s) of this repository is to:
- provide direct objective references to historical artifact such as existing opendata, budget transcriptions, & program is to leverage data to influence, recommend, & quantify the quality of government-run services within the City of Syracuse & the County of Onondaga.
Leverage the data, perform some analysis, help identify waste commit a few contributions, or send an email w/ your ideas to
- Use Data to create transparent insight into the measurable successes & opportunities of governmental departments
- User Data to Identify Improvement opportunities.
- Use Data to Influence the rapid adjustment of restrictrive policies which prevent prosperity
To establish an open-source business intelligence community which analyzes public data and creates analytics which identify opportunities of concern or rapid advancement within our local economy
- To help create metrics which influence Syracuse become a self-sustaining city which does not rely 50+% on State Aid
- To identify & reduce excessive waste within Syr. City Gov't Departments and drastically improve the quality of Governmental Services
- To embrace emerging markets and promote the positive impact they will bring to the local economy / community in terms of Revenue, Employment, and uniqueness
- To eliminate process bottlenecks and policies which reduce accountability in government
##Reference Material
- 2016-2017:
- 2015-2016:
- 2014-2015:
- 2013-2014:
- 2012-2013:
Key Parts of the Budget docs converted to Google Spreadsheets:
- 2016-2017:
- 2015-2016 (in progress):
- 2014-2015:
- 2013-2014:
- 2012-2013:
Financial Analysis:
Community Driven-Research:
- Snow Removal Problem & Quality Improvement recommendations:
- Civic Engagement Analysis:
- Restructuring Govt:
Audit Documents:
Future State Plans:
Building software automation to conquer repetitive tasks which speed up our ability to delivery enormous value add
* Automate Injesting Data files of various file-types
* Continous Integration
API Key: