
Polymer 1.0 element that speaks text using the HTML5 speech api

Primary LanguageHTML


Polymer 1.0 element that speaks text using the HTML5 speech api

<sc-speech> is an invisible element that speaks a given text

  • Detects the language of the text automatically using the franc.js library

Getting started

Install with bower

First you need bower, see their site for details

bower install --save sc-speech


Attribute Name Functionality Default
text The text to be spoken jibberish
accent the default accent to be used en-US
autodetect set to true to automatically detect the accent true
supported resolves to false if the browser doesn't support the speech api

How to use

The element exposes the method speak which actually invokes the speak method on the speech api This method is automatically bound to the tap event of the element, in case you want to put an icon in there.


  <sc-speech text="How are you doing today?" id="speech">
  	<iron-icon icon="settings-voice"></iron-icon>

Contributions welcome, please create issues!