A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface
- 0
`.before` is not working
#1637 opened by aralroca - 5
DOM in React snapshot test has changed
#1608 opened by EmiBemi - 0
React does not work in Node.js native test runner
#1636 opened by krutoo - 3
Window Local Storage mock fn not called.
#1625 opened by nada-deriv - 1
Using headers attribute on table cells trigger warning when running tests on vue-test-utils context
#1634 opened by rMonell - 2
- 0
When using input type date, onChange is not triggered when the user enters a date less than min.
#1633 opened by johannordli - 1
TypeError: Cannot set property srcObject of [object Object] which has only a getter
#1557 opened by zeid0ne - 0
XMLHttpRequest doesn't send Authorization header when withCredentials is false even if the request is same origin
#1631 opened by saitonakamura - 2
- 0
Improper Escaping of HTML Comments Containing Code
#1630 opened by crafter999 - 0
Support for DOMPurify
#1629 opened by capricorn86 - 0
Add support for URL object instance in History.pushState() and History.replaceState()
#1621 opened by sohailalam2 - 0
different form element onSubmit and forms.namedItem()
#1628 opened by confix - 0
Wrong window.location after redirection
#1627 opened by spamshaker - 0
Undici MockAgent cannot intercept fetch request anymore
#1626 opened by Guymestef - 1
Add scrollBy method to Element
#1623 opened by OlaviSau - 0
`:scope` no longer works
#1620 opened by yukulele - 2
testing-library-react prints incorrect html for form when using screen.debug()
#1619 opened by gkiely - 1
- 9
Incorrect Handling of "<" and ">" in Script Comments (DOMParser and Window)
#1564 opened by cf-amin-aoulkadi - 1
- 0
Style object must include dashed properties
#1613 opened by dead-claudia - 3
URL in style always adds quotes
#1596 opened by iradonov - 0
Support TextEncoder & TextDecoder
#1611 opened by Ayc0 - 1
Change event fired too often on select element
#1603 opened by fbecker-fds - 1
- 2
- 2
Setting an `<input>` value to `null` is wrong
#1576 opened by raystubbs - 2
- 0
[radio] keyboard navigation not fired when using `react-aria-components`
#1605 opened by csantos-nydig - 1
Migrating to happy-dom raises some issue
#1558 opened by eduardhasanaj - 1
Invalid selector "[q\\:shadowroot]"
#1561 opened by ianlet - 2
Unable to get focused HTMLSelectElement since 15.0.0
#1592 opened by wojtekmaj - 0
Maximum call stack exceeded when focusing DateSegment from react-aria-components
#1599 opened by benatross - 0
HTMLOptionElement.selected not behaving correctly
#1594 opened by coffeeandwork - 0
`ExternalHyperlink` button from @workday/canvas-kit-react causes @testing-library/react getByRole('link') queries to hang with v11 of Canvas Kit and `happy-dom`
#1593 opened by ahayes91 - 0
FileReader never throws errors
#1565 opened by tpuida - 1
Cookie value cuts at `=` sign
#1570 opened by rijenkii - 0
- 2
Add an option to disable cross origin policy
#1553 opened by OlaviSau - 1
- 0
- 0
Node.getRootNode() returns null within a ShadowRoot that has been previously disconnected from the Document
#1581 opened by capricorn86 - 0
Comments are not instances of `Comment` when using `GlobalRegistrator`
#1580 opened by danieldiekmeier - 0
Child nodes of HTMLSelectElement and HTMLFormElement has the wrong reference as parent node
#1578 opened by capricorn86 - 0
broken instanceof check with Document Fragment
#1577 opened by coffeeandwork - 1
DOMParser.parseFromString TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'new window.HTMLDocument')
#1562 opened by bitofbreeze - 1
Add debugging environment variable that logs when tasks are started in AsyncTaskManager
#1567 opened by OlaviSau - 0
Calling focus on a disabled input should not fire focus event or change focus of active element
#1563 opened by marchaos