
Pwntools Blog

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Pwntools Blog

Setup and Requirements

This blog is based on Hugo, and requires Pygments to be installed for syntax highlighting.

macOS Installation

brew install hugo pygments

Creating a New Blog Post

hugo new posts/your-post-name.md
vim posts/your-post-name.md

Publishing a New Article

First, in the Front End Matter of the post, set draft to false.

Next, commit the article to Git and push it to GitHub. An automatic GitHub Action should take care of everything else, and automagically render and publish the raw HTML to blog.pwntools.com.

Colorized Script Output

In order to get colorized output into the blog post, you'll need a command that looks like this:

PWNLIB_COLOR=always python3 exploit.py DEBUG | ansifilter --encoding=utf-8 --html --fragment -o output.html

Copy the contents of the output HTML document into the blog post, and surround with a rawhtml block.

{{< rawhtml >}}
Paste contents here
{{< /rawhtml >}}