Proposition telegram bot


  • Docker needs to be installed on your system for the service to work.
  • After installing docker, docker-compose should be installed.


Prepare Database

cp vault/.env.example vault/
vi vault/

Then edit POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_PORT variables values for development instance of development PostgresSQL database.

Prepare Service

cp worker/.env.example worker/
vi worker/

Then edit DB_CONN_STRING as database connecting string for postgresql database, TELEGRAM_DEBUG, TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN, TELEGRAM_INFO_CHANNEL_ID as variables for telegram bot and PIN_INITIATOR, PIN_SECRETARY the development pin codes for initiator and secretary.

Run Service

docker-compose -f up


Prepare Database

cp vault/.env.example vault/.env
vi vault/.env

Then edit POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_PORT variables values for development instance of production PostgresSQL database.

Prepare Service

cp worker/.env.example worker/.env
vi worker/.env

Then edit DB_CONN_STRING as database connecting string for postgresql database, TELEGRAM_DEBUG, TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN, TELEGRAM_INFO_CHANNEL_ID as variables for telegram bot and PIN_INITIATOR, PIN_SECRETARY the production pin codes for initiator and secretary.

Run Service

docker-compose -f up -d