
This zsh plugin overload the git command to expose more hooks.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

More hooks for git by Capsules Codes


This zsh plugin overload the git command to expose more hooks. the main git binary doesn't expose hooks for the commands that don't modify anything. This plugin give you that ability for the following commands : add, status, diff.

Installation via ZSH Oh-My-Zsh

  1. Run: git clone https://github.com/capsulescodes/more-hooks-for-git.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/more-hooks-for-git
  2. Add more-hooks-for-git to your plugin list: edit ~/.zshrc and change plugins=(...) to plugins=(... more-hooks-for-git)

Updating via ZSH Oh-My-Zsh

cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/more-hooks-for-git
git fetch
git pull

This plugin is MIT licensed to match the more-hooks-for-git license.