
CS2.2 Challanges

Primary LanguagePython


**Copied from Class Repository: https://github.com/Make-School-Courses/CS-2.2-Advanced-Recursion-and-Graphs/blob/master/Challenges/Challenges.md

General instructions Your code should go in the Challenge Folder of your personal repo that you created for this class.

Your code should meet the following minimum requirements

meets PEP8 style guidelines is well tested is well documented cites any sources used for inspiration and clearly indicates what code is used / modified from these sources Unless otherwise stated, use simple concrete data types in your implementations (lists, dictionaries). Stretch challenges will give you an opportunity to refactor with collections and more complex data types.

Each challenge will read in a graphs from a text file with

the first line being a G or D (for graph or digraph) the second line being a list of vertices, remaining lines are one vertex pair per line representing the edges (x,y) or a triplet if there are weights (x, y, w) G 1,2,3,4 (1,2) (1,4) (2,3) (2,4) Each challenge should be run from the command line and provide output in the format requested.

Your code should be in at least two files. File 1 must be named challege-X.py where X is the challenge number. This file will be run from the command line with arguments of the graph text file and (possibly) additional arguments needed for the challenge. python3 challenge-1.py graph-data.txt

Other files should follow best practices for code architecture (classes in a file with the class name, etc) but the structure is up to you.

You will be graded on if your code works (produces the correct output), and code quality based on the Challenge Rubric

Challenge 1 Implement the Graph ADT with an adjacency list Implement code to read in a graph from a text file to create an instance of the Graph ADT and use it's methods. Input: A graph file (can contain a directed or undirected graph with or without weights)


The # vertices in the graph. The # edges in the graph. A list of the edges with their weights (if weighted) Stretch Challenges 1 Re-implement the Graph ADT using one of the python collections Challenge 2 Add properties to your Graph ADT Challenge 3 DFS and BFS Stretch Challenges 3 Challenge 4 Dijkstra's Algorithm Stretch Challenges 4 : Implement Priority Queue (From CS 2.1). Implement BinaryMinHeap using a dynamic array and then implement Priory Queue using BinaryMinHeap. See binary heap starter code and priority queue starter code for outline. Dynamic Programming Challenge 5 Coloring, Scheduling Stretch Challenges 5 Dynamic Programming Challenge 6 Dynamic Programming Stretch Challenges 6 NP Reduction