NOTE!!!! this is very early code - I am still debugging and optimizing
This is my POC for a motorized Faceplate for my iron man Helmet. It uses 2 synchronized MG90 servos in orderto get enough torque to move the faceplate.
I use Visual studio code and Platformio to compile and upload the code to the MCU
Key features:
- Servo Movement by button press
- Audio (mp3) output via dfrobot player mini
- Servopower is switched on and off via ULN2003 Chip to save power and stop noise on servos
- Possibility to connect to the Esp32 via Bluetooth or Wifi to get the different parts of the suit working with each other
Used MCU in my case (i had it lying around...)
Wiring schematic is in the /schematic/ subfolder of the project
Pinout: RGB Led G27 Btn G39 IR G12 SCL G21 SDA G25
│ │ │ │ │ │ │3v3│
Servo1 powerswitch │G21│ │ │ │ │ │G22│ -- Servo1 movement
Servo2 powerswitch │G25│ │ │ │ │ │G19│ -- Servo2 movement
│5v5│ │ │ │ │ │G23│ -- Serial1 TX
│ G │ │ │ │ │ │G33│ -- Serial1 RX
│G32│G26│5v5│ G │ GROVE PORT
to get Hardwareserial on the G23 and G33 pins for the DFplayer Mini you have to modify HardwareSerial.cpp in the Arduinolibrary C:\Users\myUser.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif32\cores\esp32\HardwareSerial.cpp