
CS 312 Final Project: Docker Compose Zeek + ELK

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Compose Zeek + ELK

Final project for CS 312 Linux Sysadmin (Spring 2020) at Oregon State University


(run all of these commands with sudo or as root)

Make sure to set max_map_count properly:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

This must be done on the host, not in the Elasticsearch container

Then, start the containers. Be aware that Zeek takes a long time to compile (it's worth it though!)

chmod +x start.sh

ES will be bound to tcp/9200, and Kibana will be bound to tcp/5601

When you first start the containers, ES will initialize itself in a new volume, and Kibana will store it's configuration information in the same index. The first time you connect to Kibana, you will have to configure an index filter, please set it to filebeat* and use the @timestamp field for timestamps.

Once everything is running, place a PCAP in pcaps_to_process/ and then your logs will magically appear in Kibana!