##N4P for Pentoo and Gentoo Linux. ####Offensive network security framework
####This git stream is considered a live and unstable build. All stable entries are committed into a release package.
- Fully manages system states automatically for Airbase-ng with bridging and ipv4_forwarding ability.
- Configures all necessary elements and performs MITM, ARP, WPA Cracking, Sniffing and SSLstrip attacks.
2.0 Added user initiative modularization scripts. Now write your own modules in Bash or Python or Perl or any language!
Opening screenshot of n4p
Configuration file modified by user. All Access Point options, devices, and attacking methods are set here. The user may modify options before launching new attacks without interrupting current attack, as long as the current attack window remains open.
You may not comment out option lines but you may disable options if you decide on storing multiple possible options for testing. This is done by e.g. #IFACE1=
Flexibility of ettercaps options have been preserved by allowing the user to change the options passed during execution.
Ettercap default switches are -Tqz the user could simply change that value to -Tq if they wanted to enable initial arp.
N4P uses it's own DHCP configuration for its Access Point creation. We do this so that connected targets can not view our machine inside the local network.
View of Access Point Airbase-ng running along with the custom connected clients monitor window. As clients connect to our AP their ip address will display here. Other monitor options are available by changing the MONITOR_MODE= option in n4p.conf file from option 2
Option 1 screen shot performing a recon scan. This changes into a Handshake WPA2 Attack by setting the values in n4p.conf then running option 3 or manually calling modules in 2.0
After launching option 5 we view a snapshop of ettercap sniffing passwords from our rouge AP
n4p stores all of our logs and reconnaissance data inside a tmp folder /tmp/n4p/ This folder is used by n4p internal attack communications. Such as capturing .cap files and for cracking them later with option 4 n4p will not destroy this folder on exit so that the user may go back and store the files elsewhere for later analysis. Or for incorporating into pentesting reports. If you incur troubles launching applications via n4p, view the n4p log files!
The option for building the firewall must be ran last and each time you change attacks.
Some further options are available such as launching sslstrip against our victims by selecting option 8. And arpspoof has also been provided allowing users to sniff networks without using a rouge AP. For this option you just set IFACE1= in the n4p.conf to the network device attached to the network and ARP_VICTIM to IP or Gateway you are attacking.
Youtube Demonstations
Cracking WPA2
Sniffing SSL Passwords
Sniffing network
Known Limitations
Some advanced network interface operations such as bridging interfaces only works in system running Gentoo's OpenRC init system
##WARNING!! Read the config file from option 1 in n4p VERY carefully making sure it is fully applicable to your environment before doing anything else!!
##For Debian Kali users only! You need to install n4p manually in this exact directy structure.
n4p modules
All files in the modules folder here
auth.logo die.logo dump.logo firewall.logo monitor.logo opening.logo recon.logo zed.logo wash.logo
dhcpd.conf n4p.conf hostapd.conf wpe.conf radius.conf ca.pem server.pem
Create a sym link
ln -s /usr/lib/n4p/n4p /usr/bin/n4p
Report all bugs to Cyb3r-Assassin directly through git contacts or irc.freenode #hackallthethings.