
A Mac OS X .service for posting Gists

Primary LanguagePerl


A simple OS X service for easily posting text or files to Gist on Github.


Just copy GistService.service to ~/Library/Services, or /Library/Services if you want it for all users.

From source:

rake install      # Install for this user
rake install_all  # Install for all users


By default, GistService will post your Gists anonymously, but if you'd like, you can set it up to paste as yourself; just run:

git config --global github.user "your github username"
git config --global github.token "your github token"

You can obtain these values on your Github Settings page, under 'Personal Access Tokens'.


GistService was written by Andy Matuschak andy@andymatuschak.org

But it's just a wrapper around gistpaste, a script by David Blevins dblevins@visi.com. Thanks, David!