
crypto.koans are koans to help you learn openssl/tls/curl practical usage

Primary LanguagePHP


A collection of koans for learning basics of practical cryptography using koans.

Target Audience: People working with libcurl, libopenssl and having to deal with PKI. You should have a reasonable understanding of shell scripts and code.


  • openssl version (1.1.1a)
  • curl --version (7.64.0)
  • php --version (7.3.2)
  • php -m |grep -e openssl -e curl
  • composer --version (See https://getcomposer.org/download/) (1.8.4)
  • docker --version (18.09.2-ce)
  • libtasn (brew install libtasn1) (4.13)



  1. OpenSSL Basics
  2. Generating Private Keys
  3. Understanding File Formats in Crypto
  4. Curl Basics
  5. CA Certificates and CSRs

See TODO.md for more details on planned Koans.

This tries to prevent high-level tools and abstractions to get a better appreciation of how things are under the hood. However, while writing real-world crypto code, please use higher level abstractions such as NaCl.

Learning Resources:

A few other links you should give a read while you are going through this: