
Sporting a whimsical and outrageous "South Park" theme, "Clicky-Game" is a memory game built with React and a mesmerizing amount of CSS. Enjoy!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Clicky Game 🎮

Table of Contents

Purpose of this project

"Clicky-Game" is a memory game built with React. To complete this project it was neccessary to break up the application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user input events. I elected to give this project a "South Park" theme and included animated rotating giphy's, an hypnotic background, surprising text animations for an immersive gaming experience too increase the level of difficulty of the game. You will not beat this game. It has been designed to beat you, psychologically! Mmmmmwwwwahahahahahahaha! 😏

How to Play

You will be presented with 16 icons. Attempt to click each icon without clicking the same icon twice. With each click the icons will reshuffle making the task more difficult. I have included giphy's instead of static images to further increase the level of difficulty.


This app has been deployed to Heroku and can be played by clicking the link below:

South Park Clicky Game

Screenshot of this Project

Clicky Game

Technologies Utilized

  • React
  • Axios
  • NodeJS
  • Yarn
  • Bootstrap
  • Google Fonts
  • JavaScript
  • Giphy
  • HTML5
  • CSS

Steps to Deploy Locally

  1. Run npm install -g create-react-app yarn
  2. Clone down this repo
  3. Restore dependencies by running yarn install in the root of the repo
  4. Start local server by running yarn start
  5. Try not to kill Kenny

