
Travel booking website landing page built with SASS and Flexbox

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A Travel Company Website Landing Page built with SASS and Flexbox

Purpose of this Project

Travelpedia is a "proof-of-concept" travel booking website landing page (front-end only) built with SASS and Flexbox and presented as a showcase for numerous CSS animations complied from SASS/SCSS including:

  • Bezier gradients
  • Transistions
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS Variables
  • SVG icons
  • Fully responsive mobile-friendly design through flexbox and media queries

Link to Live Site


Screenshots of this project



Tech Stack

  • CSS3 variables
  • HTML5
  • NodeJS
  • SVG icons

Steps to deploy this project locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install to re-build dependencies
  3. In a new cli run npm run start to start live server and compiler running in background. Leave this cli open to keep compiler running on each save.
  4. When dev is complete and you are ready to deploy, run npm run build:css to compile complete, minified css file with prefixes .

Created July 2018, MIT