
Originally mirrored from James Crisp. The Master branch will always be his work.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Contact / Feedback form plugin for Mephisto
Required setup: Rails edge, Mephisto (from trunk rather than release)

1. Install plug-in into:

2. Create a new template called 'contact_us.liquid' though the admin web interface (under the 'Design' tab).
Paste in the following code:

<H1>Contact Us</H1>	
{% contactform %}
  <p>{{ form.name }}<label for="author"><small>Your name</small></label></p>
  <p>{{ form.email }}<label for="email"><small>Email address</small></label></p>
  <p>{{ form.phone}}<label for="phone"><small>Phone number (optional)</small></label></p>
  <p>{{ form.subject}}<label for="subject"><small>Subject</small></label></p>
  <p>{{ form.body }}</p>
  <p>{{ form.submit }}</p>
{% endcontactform %}

Feel free to modify labels, layout etc.

3. Edit {MEPHISTO_ROOT}\vendor\plugins\mephisto_contact_form\lib\contact_notifier.rb
and put in the email address you want contact form submissions to go to.

4. Link to "/contact_form" from your site.

Other Details
Author::        James Crisp  (james.crisp@thoughtworks.com)
Further info::  http://jamescrisp.blogspot.com/2007/03/contact-feedback-form-plugin-for.html
Copyright::     Copyright (c) 2007 ThoughtWorks
License::       Apache Version 2.0 (see http://www.apache.org/licenses/)