
Primary LanguageJavaScript

50.033 Game Design and Development

This is an experimental course website for 50.033 Game Design and Development module.

You can contribute by forking this repository and creating pull requests 😊

Getting started

  1. Clone this project, then npm install
  2. Afterwards, type npm start
  3. You can publish this site to github automatically by pushing this to your master branch. See .github/workflows/deploy.yml action script
  4. You need to give read and write Action permission in your workflow
  5. Edit docusaurus.config.js accordingly to use on your site and deploy it on your repo, namely the baseUrl
  6. The file src/pages/index.js contains the homepage. Edit it to your liking.

Custom modifications

  1. Add icons to /static/img
  2. Installed local search npm install --save @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local
  3. enable math npm install --save remark-math@3 rehype-katex@5 hast-util-is-element@1.1.0
  4. enable brython npm i docusaurus-live-brython
  5. add docs plugin to have docs on another folder npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
  6. Add setting to the docusaurus search local to include other docs route base path like psets labs etc that's defined in (5)
  7. Swizzled Admonitions: see docusaurus.config.js
  8. Custom components: see src/components

Markdown features


You can generate admonitions using:

<your content>

where [keyword] can be any of the following:

keywords: [

Edit /src/theme/Admonition.index.js to add more custom admonition, and add it in docusaurus.config.js.

Custom markdown snippets and Keybinding

It's advisable to add custom markdown snippets as follows in your VSCode's markdown.json:

  "Red block": {
    "prefix": "redwords",
    "body": [
      "<span style={{ \"color\":\"red\", \"fontWeight\": \"bold\" }}>$TM_SELECTED_TEXT$1</span>"
    "description": "custom redword block"
    "Image Block React": {
    "prefix": "imageblockreact",
    "body": [
      "<ImageCard path={require(\"./$1\").default} widthPercentage=\"70%$2\"/>"
    "description": "custom image block in React"
  "Image Block React With Prefix": {
    "prefix": "imageblockreactwithprefix",
    "body": [
      "<ImageCard path={require(\"./images/$1\").default} widthPercentage=\"70%$2\"/>"
    "description": "custom image block in React with prefix"
  "Deep Dive React": {
    "prefix": "deepdivereact",
    "body": [
      "<DeepDive title=\"Show Pseudocode\">\n\n$1\n```\n$2\n```\n\n</DeepDive>\n$3"
    "description": "custom deepdive block in React"
  "Front Matter MDX": {
    "prefix": "frontmattermdx",
    "body": [
      "---\nsidebar_position: $1\n---\n\nimport CollapsibleAnswer from '@site/src/components/CollapsibleAnswer';\nimport DeepDive from '@site/src/components/DeepDive';\nimport ImageCard from '@site/src/components/ImageCard';\nimport ChatBaseBubble from \"@site/src/components/ChatBaseBubble\";\n\n$2\n\n<ChatBaseBubble/>\n\n$3"
    "description": "custom yaml frontmatter block"
  "Keywords React": {
    "prefix": "keywordsreact",
    "body": [":::keyword Keywords\n$1\n:::"],
    "description": "custom keyword admonition"
  "Admonitions React": {
    "prefix": "admonitionsreact",
    "body": [":::$1\n$2\n:::"],
    "description": "shortcut admonition"

Then bind it to a keyboard shortcut in VSCode's keybindings.json:

    "key": "ctrl+alt+e",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
      "name": "Image Block React"
    "when": "editorTextFocus && markdownShortcuts:enabled"
    "key": "ctrl+alt+g",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
      "name": "Image Block React With Prefix"
    "when": "editorTextFocus && markdownShortcuts:enabled"
    "key": "ctrl+alt+d",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
      "name": "Deep Dive React"
    "when": "editorTextFocus && markdownShortcuts:enabled"
    "key": "ctrl+alt+f",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
      "name": "Front Matter MDX"
    "when": "editorTextFocus && markdownShortcuts:enabled"
    "key": "ctrl+alt+o",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
      "name": "Keywords React"
    "when": "editorTextFocus && markdownShortcuts:enabled"


Images should be placed in the same directory as the markdown file, inside /images folder. See /docs for reference.

VSCode extension: mushan.vscode-paste-image is immensely useful. You can install it from here.

You can then bind it to some key to paste image on your clipboard:

    "key": "ctrl+alt+v",
    "command": "extension.pasteImage",
    "when": "editorTextFocus"

Then set the extension settings as follows:

This way, the extension is going to paste simply the path from current working directory, like /images/bfs/2023-07-13-10-58-22.png into ImageBlock component.

Adding new folder

Lecture notes goes to docs folder by default. But, you can create new folder in the root, such as projects, labs, etc. First, create an entry point: intro.md (or any other name, just match it when declaring it in docusaurus config later) inside the new folder.

Now update docusaurus.config.js.

Step 1: register it under @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs:

  plugins: [
        id: "projects",
        path: "projects",
        routeBasePath: "projects",
        sidebarPath: require.resolve("./sidebars.js"),
        id: "your-folder-name",
        path: "your-folder-name",
        routeBasePath: "your-folder-name",
        sidebarPath: require.resolve("./sidebars.js"),

Step 2: under themes, register it as docsRouteBasePath:

  themes: [
        docsRouteBasePath: ["projects", "docs", "about", "your-folder-name..."],

Step 3: update the navbar to include your new folder:

      navbar: {
        hideOnScroll: true,
        title: "50.033,
        logo: {
          alt: "GDD Logo",
          src: "img/home-logo.svg",
        items: [
            type: "search",
            position: "right",
            to: "/about/intro",
            label: "About",
            position: "left",
            activeBaseRegex: `/about/`,
            to: "/your-folder-name/intro",
            label: "Navbar-Label",
            position: "left",
            activeBaseRegex: `/your-folder-name/`,