
Python/Django MJPEG image push Axis IP camera simulation server

Primary LanguagePython

Python/Django MJPEG image push Axis IP camera simulation server

This is an Axis IP camera simulation program which can stream JPEG sequence to browser using push image technology. The technology was popular in some IP cameras because it provides a simple solution to embed your video stream into HTML page using 'img' HTML tag. Images are transfered to browser with multipart/x-mixed-replace MIME type. Old Panasonic, Linksys IP cameras and modern Axis cameras does provide similar MJPEG/HTTP stream: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_technology#HTTP_server_push

This Django software have a HTML template of an Axis IP camera and some sample images. To run it you should

  1. Install Python 2 or Python 3

  2. Install Django framework: $ pip install django

  3. Run server from the project directory: mjpegstreamingserver$ python2 ./manage.py runserver

You should see a message: Starting development server at

  1. Visit the provided URL in your browser so you can see sample JPEG stream in a fake Axis IP camera interface. Direct image stream URL is .

You could change HTML templates in special directory and some stream settings in settings.py

It's useful to cheat live online webcameras directories like www.insecam.org