
The Website for TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

TypeScript Website

This is the current website for TypeScript. It uses Jekyll for the majority of the work, and uses git-submodules for the playground and the handbook.

Most of the modern work occurs on the v2 branch.



A live version with the daily build can be found here.

Configure your build environment:

  1. Install the latest Ruby and add it to your environment's PATH during setup. Allow the installer to install MSYS2 via ridk install.

  2. Install the latest Node.js.

  3. Establish your new environment by opening up a new PowerShell/Command Prompt.

  4. Fork https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-Website to your own GitHub account

  5. Clone https://github.com/[YOUR_ACCOUNT]/TypeScript-Website

  6. Run the following from the cloned repository:

    gem install bundler
    bundler install
    yarn install
    npm install -g gulp-cli
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd src/play
    yarn install
    yarn setup
    cd ../..

Build the site:

Ensure that you have configured your build environment as explained above. In a shell, navigate to your clone of this repository and run:


Your default web browser should start up and show the built site.

Note: If you want to make changes to the playground, you have a bit of a dance to do. Run ^ then press save on a file inside both the examples/ subfolder, and the src/play subfolder. The playground is a submodule, so that'll need a PR to a different repo.


Deployment is automatic:

  • Merges to the branch archived deploy to staging.
  • Pushes to the branch release deploy to production. You can use: git push origin origin/master:release.

To deploy manually, first use these commands to push to staging:

# Creates a ./site folder
gulp publish

# Pushes to a staging
gulp deploy

# Syncs production with staging
sh sync-staging-to-prod.ps1

Direct Links to Downloads for Windows:


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