Typing SVG

Hello! This is a GitHub page storing the information of various Tinfoil shop links.

Shop Links

# Ghost eShop (Available)
Protocol: https
Host: nx.ghostland.at
Title: Ghost eShop PUBLIC
# Ghost eShop RETRO
Protocol: https
Host: nx-retro.ghostland.at
Title: Ghost eShop RETRO

Backup of Shops with various Functions

# JITS (works with your own GDrive if you follow https://games.jits.cc/account#instructions)
Protocol: https
Host: games.jits.site
Path: shop
Title: JITS
# Ecchi's Firmware Archives (download all of switch firmware from Tinfoil)
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Path: firmware.tfl
Title: EFA
# Ecchi's Archives (download save files and install them to your Switch [auto added by Tinfoil] )
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Title: ESA

Shops requiring a Licence Key

# Kronos Zenten Shop (buy a monthly licence from Kronos at https://discord.com/invite/kscctYj)
Protocol: https
Host: myrincon.es
Path: net/Zenten
Title: Kronos Zenten Shop

Backup of N/A Shops

# Liberashop (discontinued)
Protocol: https
Host: liberashop.rs
Title: Liberashop
# Stealth Shop (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: stealthshop.cf
Title: Stealth Shop
# Pengu Shop (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: pengu.us
Title: Pengu Shop
# QuotaShop (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: quotanx.in
Title: QuotaShop
# ReDUMP Shop (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: redump.cf
Title: ReDUMP Shop
# Voxhost Tinfoil Server (RIP, thanks for your help before)
Protocol: https
Host: tinfoilhost.voxhost.fr
Title: Voxhost Tinfoil Server
# 雷禪商店 Rayzen Shop (RAP)
Protocol: https
Host: tiny.cc
Path: Rayzen-vip
Title: Rayzen Shop
# TITS 2 (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: tiny.cc
Path: turtleshop
Title: TITS 2
# UnderPrivileged Shop (RIP, all downloads are 404)
Protocol: https
Host: cdn.discordapp.com
Path: attachments/531350560549634069/902073525370765352/Under.tfl
Title: UnderPrivileged Shop
# Nekoshop (RIP)
Protocol: https
Host: nekoshop.cf
Title: Nekoshop
Protocol: https
Host: titz.cf
Title: TITS
# PixelShop (RIP)
* Get access key from their Discord (https://pixelshop.lol)
# RetroRom Shop (RIP)
* Join their Discord (https://retrorom.shop)
# A-Network Tinfoil Shop (RIP)
Protocol: nut
Host: a-network.ca
Port: 9000
Username: reddit
Password: reddit
Title: A-Network Tinfoil Shop
# Bikeborb's Shop (RIP)
discord: unknown
# Teknik Shop (RIP)
* Get access key from their Discord (https://discord.com/invite/teknik)


  • Nintendo Switch running CFW (Atmosphere with Sigpatches recommended).

  • Relies on Tinfoil.

  • You are recommended to DELETE the current Tinfoil locations.conf [switch/tinfoil/locations.conf] from your SD card before adding server.

  • To avoid getting banned make sure you have already setup Exosphere / DNS MITM.

You have to set up OAuth if you cannot download 「something」 from Tinfoil.


Q: Why aren't the shops loaded?

A: This usually occurs when the time of your Switch does not the same as the real-time. Please use switch-time to adjust the time of your Switch. Another circumstance might be that the shops you are trying to access could be down currently.

Q: I can't open tinfoil... :(

A: Make sure that you install the latest Sigpatches in your switch and are booting with fusee.bin instead of Hekate. Then try to reinstall tinfoil.

Q: Network Error 7 occurs when I try to download.

A: It is most commonly a poor network connection. If you are using a LAN cable, try reinserting it.

Software Developers

Legal Disclaimer (Thanks voxhost)

  • The author does not take any responsibility for your actions using this service.

  • The author is NOT affiliated with the content that you can retrieve thanks to any Tinfoil shop.