
my notes from the course


my notes from the course


GCP Design Principles

  • It's GLOBAL
    As example, AWS is highly regional which simplifies the data sovereignity, but GCP is global, so it's easier to handle failures and latency; but it could be more sensitive to multi-region/global failures
  • IT's Secure
  • It's Huge Scale
  • It's for Developers

Physical infrastructure

  • vCPU
  • Physical Server
  • Rack
  • DAta Center Building
  • Zone (trying to be as much independent as other zone as possible)
  • Region
  • Multi-Region (N. America, Europe and Asia)
  • Private-Global-networks (not using internet to communicate between them even they have transoceanic cables )
  • Points of Presence (POPs) Network edges and CDNs locations
  • Global

Network Ingress & Egress

Now we can choose from two:

Normal Network

Routes via internet to edge location closets to destination It's cheaper

Google Network

Routes so traffic enters from internet at edge closest to source so as consecuences:

  • Single global IP address can load balance worldwide, so whenever somebody access to the ip they go to the nearest server bringing very fast responses
  • Sidesteps has many issues with DNS



Google make sure you are ready to handle the resource X, it's payed even if not in use at the mmoment


Google handle whatever I use, and charge me for that

The above two, we are not choosing them, they are inherent to the service we use

Network traffic

  • Free on the way in as usual (ingress)
  • Egress payed by GB used (but sometimes if using some Egress to some GCP services are free)


  • Everything is encrypted at rest
  • Strong Key and Identity Management
  • Network encrypted:
    • All control info is encrypted
    • All WAN traffic is encrypted automatically
    • And they are starting to ecnrypt even all local traffic within data centers
  • there is some technogogy from which you can connect securely without using VPN called BeyondCorp



  • Primary unit of organization in GCP, Projects are similar to what AWS accounts are
  • Projects own resources
  • Resources can be shared with other projects