
Backup scripts for MacOS/Linux

Primary LanguageShell

Script for Make some Local backup of one user in MacOS/Linux


In Mac

Install the following

brew install coreutils

Why another script for this

Well actually I did it because I wanted some script which will not create any Link, and will not touch the current files and it will just compress as it is, and also since there can be some secrets in the backup, at least to have the possibility to encrypt the tar with zip maybe in the future I could use another tools ...

I got inspired by this one: https://github.com/lra/mackup.

File lists to do the backup

Important the etc/example_list copy as etc/${USER}_list

cp etc/example_list  etc/${USER}_list

and then modify etc/${USER}_list as needed...

Configuring files in the etc/${USER}_list

  • Every line starting with ! it means that it would be excluded
  • The files/directories not starting with / they will be understood as ~/ for example: .ssh it will understood as ~/.ssh but for example /etc/hosts will be understood as it is...
  • As a help to see what files to be included I recommend to have a look to other similar project https://github.com/lra/mackup/tree/master/mackup/applications