A very simple Cardano wallet written entirely in JS.
AdaLite is not created by Cardano Foundation, Emurgo, or IOHK. The official Cardano team has not reviewed this code and is not responsible for any damage it may cause you. AdaLite does not store your private keys and you are responsible for storing them safely. Please be aware that if your computer is compromised, your mnemonic may be leaked when used as the access method on Adalite. We encourage you to use AdaLite with a hardware wallet for maximum safety. We appreciate feedback, especially a review of the crypto-related code.
The official Cardano wallet from IOHK runs a full node and takes a long time to sync the blockchain. It's also very big and downloads >500MB of JavaScript dependencies (which can create a large attack surface and requires a lot of auditing). AdaLite is much smaller and is thus much easier to audit. Since it doesn't run a full node or require to sync the entire blockchain it's also very fast. Recovering your wallet from the mnemonic only takes a few seconds.
If you want, you can verify the integrity of the code running in your browser, you can:
- checkout the latest version from the master branch (the one being deployed)
- build the project
- download the source .js from devtools and compare it to the built version
See https://github.com/vacuumlabs/adalite/wiki/AdaLite-FAQ#compatibility-with-other-wallets
Prepare .env
e.g. by cp .env.example .env
yarn install
yarn build
ADALITE_PORT=3000 yarn start-server
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 (or wherever you've configured) and don't forget to set .env
to http://localhost:3000
if you were copying the default .env.example file. You may also need to disable caching in your browser to forget previous redirects.
For development you can start the server with
yarn dev
It runs webpack with the --watch
flag and the server with PORT=3000
unless you specify otherwise
For creating releases we use tool release-it, tutorial and setup are written in Releases file
in .env set the following values (your local settings may differ but by default this should work):
flag tells the server to start in mocking mode to avoid submitting transactions to the actual blockchain. Moreover, it mocks certain blockchain explorer endpoints to fake the transaction submission.
tells the mock server whether it has to return a success response for tx submission or not.
tells the mock server whether to return that the transaction exists in the blockchain or not - this is useful for polling for transaction status after submission.
yarn eslint
yarn test
Open app/tests/index.html
in browser
Check us out at https://www.adalite.io
Donations are really appreciated!
BTC: 3Qk3BDbw4yym6PM6vWA4bAsFkY76EWwtnp
ETH: 0xe1575549f79742d21E56426a1F9AD26997F5B9fb
Some notes on how to implement new coin into Trezor can be found here: https://github.com/vacuumlabs/trezor-core/wiki/Trezor-Development