
NFT Marketplace on the Cardano Blockchain. Powered by Plutus Smart Contracts

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


NFT Marketplace on the Cardano Blockchain. Powered by Plutus Smart Contracts A simple contract that allows sales of NFTs. The seller (owner of an NFT) constructs the contract with parameters unique to the sale and locks the NFT there. A buyer can then unlock the NFT by submitting a transaction verifying the several requirements defined in the validator.

Test in emulator

  • Clone the repository
  • Run cabal repl in the repo
  • Run :l src/Market/Trace.hs in the repl
  • Run test
  • To modify the testing scenario, open and modify the src/Market/Trace.hs file

Test with cardano-cli

Put NFT for sale

  • Install and run a cardano-node on the testnet, you'll now have a node.socket file. Put the path to this file in the env variable CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH
  • Clone this repo https://github.com/nateshmbhat/cardano-nft-minter. It's an easy way to mint an NFT, so you can test and put it for sale
  • Execute the bash script and mint an NFT, selecting testnet
  • run testnet=testnet-magic 1097911063
  • run cd tokens/TokenName after you minted the NFT
  • run cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --$testnet
  • Note down the txhash and txid containing the NFT you minted
  • run cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey and copy the output
  • Go into the Martify repo after you built it using cabal build
  • run cabal run market-plutus
  • copy the resulting market.plutus file in the folder where you minted the NFT
  • run cabal run datum-json sellerAddr price tokenName policyId royaltyAddr royaltyPercent where sellerAddr is the output you copied previously, royaltyAddr should also be hash address (if you don't know, just put the same as sellerAddr and 0 for royaltyPercent)
  • copy the resulting file in the folder where you minted the NFT
  • go back to the folder where you minted the NFT
  • run cardano-cli address build --payment-script-file market.plutus --$testnet >> script.addr
  • run cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-file datum-policyId-tokenname.json >> dhash
  • run
cardano-cli transaction build \
    --alonzo-era \
    --$testnet \
    --tx-in txhash#txid \
    --tx-out "$(cat script.addr) + 1724100 lovelace + 1 $(cat policy/policyID).tokenname" \
    --tx-out-datum-hash $(cat dhash) \
    --change-address $(cat payment.addr) \
    --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
    --out-file tx.02 
  • run
cardano-cli transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.02 \
    --signing-key-file payment.skey \
    --$testnet \
    --out-file tx-2.02 
  • run cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file tx-2.02 --$testnet

Cancel sale (adapt for other endpoints buy and update price)

  • run cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat script.addr) --$testnet
  • Get the txhash and txid of your NFT for sale. We'll call those txhashNFT and txidNFT
  • run cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --$testnet
  • Get the txhash and txid of some ada at your wallet. We'll call those txhashADA and txidADA
  • Go into martify repo folder and copy over the close.json file from there
  • run
cardano-cli transaction build \
    --alonzo-era \
    --$testnet \
    --tx-in txhashADA#txidADA \
    --tx-in txhashNFT#txidNFT \
    --tx-in-script-file market.plutus \
    --tx-in-datum-file datum-policyid-tokenname.json \
    --tx-in-redeemer-file close.json \
    --required-signer payment.skey \
    --tx-in-collateral txhashADA#txidADA \
    --tx-out "$(cat payment.addr) + 1724100 lovelace + 1 policyid.tokenname" \
    --change-address $(cat payment.addr) \
    --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
    --out-file unlock-body.02
  • run
cardano-cli transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file unlock-body.02 \
    --signing-key-file payment.skey \
    --$testnet \
    --out-file unlock.02
  • run cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file unlock.02 --$testnet
  • If everything went fine, you should see your asset in your wallet


We would really appreciate financial support to our project, it helps us spend more time and effort on it.

ADA Address : addr1vycmju7zumcgq5wsdmdwkxafhhuu3xeed60auwngww2fkjcr38qjm

Open source usage

Martify is an open source smart-contract for NFT Marketplaces. The list of marketplaces based on our contracts is :