Student Developed Citation and Format Style
We desire to create an citation and formating platform that has more flexability than APA and MLA, while being sensible and understandable for students and professors. SODA documentation shall be provided for free. No books to purchase, no collections of external third party links to provide to attemtp to explain simple citation efforts. This is a work in progress.
- The platform is available for free.
- Discretion is left up to the author
- It is against the platform to penalize students for discretionary decisions.
- The platform should be easy to use and understand
- The platform is always open to suggestions
- The entire platform, not including examples, is seven pages or less.
Unlike other citaiton and format style platforms, Soda gives you choice. We prefer the following fonts.
- Times New Roman
- Calibri
- IBM Plex
Your choice between 10-14
The title page is excluded from all formatting rules. Use your own discretion.
Items 1-2 are required. The rest are helpful but sometimes not obtainable.
- The name of the creator
- Date you obtained the image
- The URL where the image was found
- Title of the image
- Name of the book
- Authors name
- Page of snippit