What Is This?

This repository contains scripts and documentations I have collated in order to get MechARM 270 Pi from Elephant Robotics working.

The aim of this codebase is to provide a streamlined and accessable place in order to better set up and use MechARM 270 Pi. This comes in response to the lack of responses from the Open Source team of Elephant Robotics.


  1. pymycobot Python API documentation: https://github.com/elephantrobotics/pymycobot/blob/main/docs/README.md

Note that the documentation is desync and is no longer completely accurate. Self exploration and verification is required to know the current Python API for sure.

  1. Guidebook: https://docs.elephantrobotics.com/docs/gitbook-en/2-serialproduct/2.6-mecharm_270/2.6.1-mechArm.html


  1. cardboardcode