
TypeScript implementation of UPID

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a TypeScript implementation of the UPID spec. A UPID is like a UUID but has a 40-bit timestamp so is sortable, and has a four-character prefix, so it's pretty and useful!

Published at npmjs/upid-ts. Works with Node and browser, and probably Bun/Deno too. 1827 bytes gzip'd.

This is a UPID in TypeScript:

upid("user")           // user_2accvpp5guht4dts56je5a

Implementations in other languages (Python, Rust, Postgres) are listed at the carderne/upid repo.


You can give it a spin at upid.rdrn.me.


With a build step:

npm install --save upid-ts

Directly in a browser:

import { upid } from "https://unpkg.com/upid-ts";


Use in a program:

import { upid } from "upid-ts";
upid("user")           // user_2accvpp5guht4dts56je5a

Or more explicitly:

import { UPID } from "upid-ts";

Specifying your own timestamp:

const ms = BigInt(1720366562288);
const u = UPID.fromPrefixAndMilliseconds("user", ms);

From and to a string:

const u = UPID.from_str("user_2accvpp5guht4dts56je5a");
u.to_str()            // user_2a...

Get stuff out:

u.prefix              // user


npm install

npm run fmt
npm run lint
npm run test

npm run build

Please open a PR if you spot a bug or improvement!