
simple c++ header-only html tag library

Primary LanguageC++


You probably want a template engine... inja looks nice.
but if you're sure you don't, htmlpp will at least save you typing a few angle brackets.

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quick start

#include <html.hpp>

that's it. now you have access to the html:: namespace will all the tags and attributes you expect.


a more complete example, see example.cpp for the full source.

    server.run([](auto&& stream) {
        stream << html::indent;
        stream << html::html
            << html::head
            << html::script[html::language("javascript")]
            << "function sayHello() {" << std::endl
            << "  document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = 'Hello, world';" << std::endl
            << "}" << std::endl
            << html::head::end
            << html::body[html::attr("onload", "sayHello()")]
            << html::div[html::id("message")]
            << html::end;