Welcome to Sample Size Shiny App!

My name is Keon-Woong Moon. I am a Professor of Cardiology at Catholic University of Korea, South Korea. It's an honor and pleasure to introduce you my shiny app-SampleSize.

What this app aims

This app is for reseachers, students or professors who want to calculate sample size. With this app, you can calculate sample size easily. This app also give you an information about the reference.

What you need for this app

All you need for this app is a modern web browser supporting HTML5(chrome, opera, safari and ...). No R installation is required. This app is independent of operating system of your computer. Windows, Mac and Linux PCs are all compatible. You can use even a tablet PC or a smartphone.

About the Author

My name is Keon-Woong Moon. I am a Professor of Cardiology at Catholic University of Korea, South Korea. I am the creator and maintainer of the r-meta.com and web-r.org.

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I have developed three R packages available at CRAN site.

"package mycor" "package moonBook" "package ztable"


R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. My shiny app is also free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


No app is the product of a single person. There are many people who helped make this app possible, directly and indirectly. I'd like to thank the R community for creating R. Thanks to RStudio for creating RStudio and Shiny. Thanks to Dr. Hyeon Woo Yim for his book Sample size estimation with microsoft excel. Thanks to Dr. Jeehyoung Kim who developed excel sheet for sample size calcuation. I was deeply inspired by powerandsamplesize.com.


URL : https://github.com/cardiomoon/SampleSize

License : GPL-3

BugReports : https://github.com/cardiomoon/SampleSize/Issues