A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and LSI classifications.
- 2
Classifier can't find gsl gem
#14 opened by lmullen - 4
- 2
no prior used in naive bayes classifier
#4 opened by bmuller - 1
Use LSM framework on Mac
#7 opened by pepijndevos - 6
Still having problems with ActiveRecord
#2 opened by masnick - 1
Remove category from Bayes filter
#12 opened by jasonlfunk - 1
Error at classification method
#20 opened - 1
please tag releases in the repository
#30 opened by boutil - 2
Getting mathn native extension error when installing on MacOS (Apple M1 Silicon)
#35 opened by dpetruha - 1
please continue to export tests in the gem
#31 opened by boutil - 2
require 'mathn' breaks calculations
#10 opened by christianhellsten - 2
OK gives no instead of YES
#25 opened by arbind - 2
- 1
- 1
Classifier: Reborn
#22 opened by parkr - 1
A default category is chosen
#21 opened by kathgironpe - 0
Save the current state of training
#17 opened by Serginho - 1
error in train method
#11 opened by OpenCoderX - 2
Incompatibility with ActiveRecord?
#1 opened by masnick